Very good and hot afternoon...
and it's time to go to El Rocío, there's a lot of tradition in the south of "making the way" to the village of "El Rocío". There are many brotherhoods from different parts. Many people are those who make the journey, it is an intimate moment that serves many people to reflect, rest, disconnect, for belief in the Virgin.
Brotherhoods from all over the world come to the village, and thousands of people gather to worship and pay homage to the Virgin of El Rocío.
If you want to see different charms of the Virgen del Rocío...click here.
The women dress in flamenco clothes, they are not dresses like those they wear to the fair, they are lighter dresses, called canasteros, or even a kind of rociera robe, much more comfortable to make the journey.
Today, we are going to teach you how to mount a flamenco earring, which you wear:
Two silver Creole earrings
Four charms of the Vírgen del Rocío
Two silver rings type 32005
Two silver ring screws
In a few steps we have the slope mounted:
1- We stick the Virgen del Rocío to the Creole base and the other Virgen del Rocío to the screw, in the other ring we do the same.
2- Hook the screw to the Creole base with the ring.
In two simple steps we would have the earring finished! Isn't it easy?
Even so we hang a video for you to see how it's done!!!